Band Spotlight: Vowws

By Editor
By August 1, 2018 Band, Spotlight

In our latest Band Spotlight, we chat to US-based Aussie post-punk and alternative electronic act, Vowws (Rizz and Matt) about new music and inspirations.


S] What is the Vowws mission statement?

Rizz] We don’t have one, but if we did it would probably be Keep It Simple, Stupid.

S] What inspires the band outside of music, think specific people, games, movies and places?

Rizz] Movies are huge for us, specific directors include Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, David Lynch… specific places, we live in LA, (originally from Australia) and this place is beastly, there’s a lot to draw from. It’s a beautiful, twinkling, city of hope, and it’s home to every kind of creature and insect imaginable.

We like the noise and the chaos, it makes us better identify what’s truly important and learn to shut everything else out. If it’s too quiet & safe there’s nothing to push back against. We need an element of discomfort to be sure we’re doing this for the right reasons.

S] What are the biggest challenges for the band at present?

Matt] The biggest challenge will always be the work itself. If the music and the art isn’t right, and if it’s not presented properly then nothing else matters. That will always be priority number one, and it’ll always be the biggest challenge. The rest is just life.

S] What have been some career highlights so far?

Matt] Releasing our newest record, trying to move to America and messing up, and trying again and succeeding, touring with The Cult, getting asked to play Dia De Los Deftones, and generally every show where we find out there are people who connect with our work and make what we do worthwhile.

S] Talk us through the lyrical inspiration behind a track like ‘You Never Knew’?

Matt] ‘You Never Knew’ is about the narcissism and low-grade sociopathy that is often encouraged in our current society. It feels like we’ve slipped into a time in our social consciousness where stepping on other people, their lives, and their dreams for your own glory and satisfaction is not only accepted, but sort of celebrated. The idea is ‘I won because I knew what I wanted, I took it at your expense, and I fucked you over but it’s your fault because you were sitting around navel-gazing and that’s what you get.’ It’s like social darwinism codified in social, political and power structures.

S] What are your plans for the future?

Matt] We don’t look too far ahead, we’ve got a bunch of cool shows coming up, and a couple of great collaborations where we re-work and re-write the songs off Under the World, but with guest vocalists singing. We’re also starting to get back into writing as well so the next 6 months will be a time of re-working and presenting new sides to Under the World, and playing live a lot, while starting to move onto the next step music-wise.

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