Here are some worldy snippets for you to sink your teeth into concerning Nivek Ogre (Skinny Puppy) and his project oHGr and also the ‘Hardclash’ act Rabbit Junk (formed from the ashes of The Shizit) – both acts are releasing material!

Rabbit Junk release free tracks
Industrial project Rabbit Junk are releasing a three-part EP, Project Nonagon, as a free download. Project Nonagon is a continuation of the band’s three-part concept album, This Life Is Where You Get F**cked, which was released earlier this year. Like that album, Project Nonagon is split into three sections, entitled “The Struggle,” “Ghetto Blasphemer” and “This Death Is Where You Get Life,” with the three tracks comprising the first section available now as downloads from the Rabbit Junk Web site. The second and third installments will be released soon. Visit the links for the complete details or to download the tracks.
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oHGr release new material!
Skinny Puppy vocalist Nivek Ogre will release new album from his solo project, ohGr, October 21 on Synthetic Symphony, a subsidiary of German label SPV. Entitled Devil in My Details, this release is Ogre’s first solo album since 2003’s Sunnypsyop. Ogre also appears in the science fiction movie musical Repo! The Genetic Opera, which is tentatively scheduled for a November 2008 release.
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