Pentire comment on touring, making music and the bands future

By Izzy Hayden
By June 1, 2024 June 3rd, 2024 Features, Interviews, News

Creating “Indie Music for the Post-Jangle Generation,” Pentire are a rising band from Hertfordshire bringing excitement to the music scene. The group kicked off festival season last weekend, playing The Rescue Rooms in Nottingham as part of Dot To Dot Festival.

Photo Credit: Adam Daly

“That’s a tricky one,” Frontman Jack begins describing their music. “We call ourselves Indie Music for the Post-Jungle Generation. We tend to write about breakups and sad things but this new EP that we’ve got coming up is actually a bit lyrically happier than our previous stuff.”

“Not that we were sad before” the group continue, “but we’re all really happy now and we like to make music that we think we’d enjoy ourselves.”

This year, the band have appearances planned at a handful of popular UK festivals including, Live at Leeds In The City and Golden Touch festival. “I think it does make it more exciting” the band say discussing the difference between playing their own gigs and performing at festivals with unpredictable crowds. “I mean, we go there to grow and gain fans, which is always exciting and we’re really privileged to have our own fans at festivals most times. So, we kind of get a nice mix, which is nice because we have the core fan base singing the songs back and the new people just loving it.” They continue to explain they’ve noticed a change in their crowds since they began making music, “when we first played Isle of Wight, which was our first major UK festival, it was just playing to a room or tent of people who had no idea who we were. That’s definitely changing, which is so lovely to see. festivals are just amazing!”

‘Don’t Let Your Love (Let You Down)’ is the bands newest feel-good track with lyrics focusing on being on a night out and not letting your love make you regret something in the morning as well as, standing up for yourself.  The creation process was “an interesting one” Pentire comment. “we often write together but for that one, the situation was that we’d all moved back from uni. We were all in our own houses and separate places writing that. It all came around quite easily, we got into rehearsal, we jammed it and it came really organically.”

Overtime, Pentire have created a number of impressive music videos, including one for their newest single. “Music videos are definitely the hardest thing to try and come up with” they state. “Songs can sometimes flow in and out and you have an idea you can work with it. With a music video, it takes a lot of preparation to pull it off because you need to get a nice videographer who’s going to do it right. You don’t want it to look horrendous so, you don’t know how much depth to go in. It’s definitely the hardest thing for us to work on.”

Next, the band reminisce as they describe why they decided to name themselves Pentire, inspired by the place in Cornwall where they often went on holiday. “There’s a big Welcome to Pentire sign. We thought that’s a good band name and it’s easy to spell, which is always good.” They all giggle mischievously “We’re going to steal the sign one day.”

Pentire admit that their music has changed overtime with the creation process and the lyrics as they’ve changed and learnt more about the industry. “Previously we had the mindset we need to get music out so, the first thing we wrote would be what we released. Whereas with what we’ve been making now, a lot of songs have been ditched and we spent a lot more time making them. Same with production wise we sit down with our producer and see what else we can add to a song to make it better.” They expand, “lyrically as well, we’ve progressed as we’ve grown older. Things have happened in our lives that we want to write about now whereas when we were 15 it was just writing about getting drunk in a field.”

As for making their music, the band say they usually have a similar process song to song but it can change. “usually, the basics will come from an acoustic guitar, that’s kind of how everything starts always. That has changed a few times. We did write in a rehearsal room for most of this EP, we’re kind of just out here just trying new things to see what happens. Yeah, it’s usually quite a similar process but we’re trying to branch out to see where we can push the boundaries a little bit.”

Pentire have only just began their exhilarating journey, with tour plans all across the UK this summer as well as, having a tour booked that is “bigger than it ever was before.” Fans will have to keep an eye on their socials for more information on that tour plus, their upcoming EP which the band have called “brilliant” and “genuinely some of our best work.”

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