Annie and Billy of Dust In The Sunlight talk us through their development and progression as a band.

How do you define success as a band?
B: Success is continuously releasing music that you will still want to listen to in 10 years time, and travelling the world playing it to people that connect with it.
What motivates you outside of music?
A: People, stories, art, walking around, taking the world in.
What would you say your biggest challenges are as artists?
B: It’s hard to find a balance with life and artistry. The pandemic seemed to make the industry become a lot more social media focused. It’s been difficult adjusting to that side of it. Charlie XCX did a brilliant article about music being created as assets for social media, that really struck a chord! You have to just stick to what feels genuine and remain true to yourself.
What are your goals for the rest of the year?
A: We’ve got another single coming out soon, and then the EP! We’d love to book some more shows in over summer, and then are keen to get our heads down to do more writing and recording in the studio later in the year.
Talk is through the ideas behind ‘Former Lives’?
B: We always have different perspectives on what our songs are about, but for me ‘Former Lives’ is a letter to yourself. You are looking back at your experiences and comforting yourself – “Will you help me let go, if I help you let go?”.
A: I think I interpret it as recognising how the pressures of modern life – always having to be ‘on’, being a million things at once – are really draining, and sometimes you lose touch with who you actually are and what you want out of life. So it’s a bit of a stop-gap, a pause to ask if it’s really worth it, and maybe there’s a better way of being.
What is your message for fans of the band, and people yet to discover you?
A: First off, we’re always incredibly grateful and humbled by the support people show for our music, it means a lot. For people yet to discover us, hello! We’re a very people-orientated band, love meeting folks at shows, chatting on Instagram, come connect and join the ride!