Image by Alex Thomas
How are you today?
We feel pretty good. We have a lot of shows coming up in Belgium and France and we’re very excited to play the new songs. Spring looks sunny in 2022!
How do you define success as a band?
Nowadays, success is very much measured by how many people follow you or stream your music. But to us, it is rather a question of being able to write and play the music you like. We feel very lucky to be able to make a living from music, recording our songs and touring abroad. Of course you’re always trying to play bigger venues or reaching new audiences. But everything takes time and we like it like that. I guess it’s part of the journey.
There are so many other aspects too, more personal ones maybe, like being able to get on well with the others in the band (easier when you’re only two) and still like creating things together after a few years. We’ll soon release our third LP and keep on meeting new people, so for us this is a great achievement as well.
When we began, it was only us but now a whole team is working with us, labels, booking agencies and a publisher. Being able to take these steps, even if it’s one at a time, it’s all part of success, great or small.
What motivates you outside of music, think specific people, places and movies, for example?
Both of us love nature and animals. At home we have dogs. Nicky has two nanny-goats, hens and ponys. Renaud grows his own vegetables. We spend a lot of time playing music and thinking about it, but being outside in nature is of great importance to us. It’s also a good source of inspiration. Two places we love dearly is Normandy (France) and the hilly country in the southern part of Belgium.
Of course eating good food and drinking great wines and beers is making our lives sweeter. And we like it sweet ! We also try to live differently from our younger days, live slower, learn cooking and eat better, use cars less, enjoy small things… All this takes time and has become part of our everyday life.
Other than that, literature takes a huge place in our lives too. Some of them are always huge influences during our writing process : Céline, Ginsberg, Kerouac…
What is your message to your fans, and supporters?
We tend to be very spontaneous in what we do, during the writing process, in the studio or at shows. Our music is lively and full of dynamics and nuances, without click-tempo for instance. We laugh a whole lot and like things to go naturally.
So, I guess our message to our fans would be to take things seriously but live lightly, not to bother with borders or square thinking, and try to be as free as possible. Waw this almost sounds like a Gandhi meeting.
And a message to those who have yet to discover you?
No one can be perfect. But it’s never too late to try to be. Oops another Gandhi meeting quote ! No, seriously, we would invite them to come to the shows. They can listen to the songs and watch the videos online of course, though nothing will ever be worth the sound of warm amps and chiming cymbals. No need for a big band orchestra : two guys with a drum-set and a guitar and there you go for fun!
What have you got coming up that you can tell us about?
We’ll release our third album « Human Flare » 29 April on great Belgian and French labels (Luik Music, Cowboy A La Mode and Ideal Crash) with many shows ahead in both countries. So far, feedbacks from the audience and the press have been great so we can’t wait to show the live version of the songs. A new single with a funny video is also on the way. We’re very happy to have a vinyl version of the album but also an exclusive Cassette edition.