John McCrea and Gerry Duggan are reviving their hit independent series, which started late 2019 and wrapped early last year. The second volume promises to be just as good, and to celebrate, both McCrea and Duggan are launching a special edition oversized hardcover of the original story with tonnes of bonus content at the end of this month.
Dead Eyes is a very strong, well crafted story by seasoned professionals. Duggan and McCrea offer a welcomed refreshing new twist on the crime and superhero genre. The character Martin Dobbs, a.k.a. DEAD EYES, brings a flair of Rorschach and The Question with him, with a hint of The Boys. Dead Eyes is a fine example of what some of the best artists and writers can do without the constraints of Marvel and DC. Dead Eyes starts fun, and tonally shifts to being dark and gritty with intelligent craft making the change a noticeable but natural progression.
McCrea’s second Kickstarter, this time with Gerry Duggan (Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy) will launch on Kickstarter on the 28th of April this year, here, and will give fans the opportunity to preorder a deluxe, oversized ‘artists edition’ of the original Dead Eyes volume 1. The book will contain the original story in its entirety, in addition to scripts, extra artwork, bonus behind the scenes content and much more. Dead Eyes will be displayed in a new black and white aesthetic, giving the book a new ‘noir’ feel to an already atmospheric tale. Also featured is completely uninterrupted art, with the panels pre-lettering presented to better allow for John’s art to be appreciated, with Gerry’s script accompanying the narrative to the side of the page. Fans will also be given the exclusive opportunity to commission artwork and purchase very limited copies of the book with unique sketches inside the cover. Don’t forget, the Kickstarter campaign can be found here, and it goes live on the 28th! Don’t miss out!
Copyright John McCrea.
“Deadeyes is the kind of brutal, uncompromising story with a humane heart that you’d expect from this seasoned team. The ‘Breaking Bad’ meets ‘Dick Turpin’ set-up is drawn with sustained energy and classy beats, and Deadeyes himself the kind of character that feels like he’s been around forever!” – Liam Sharpe (Wonder Woman with Greg Rucka, Green Lantern with Grant Morrison, Judge Dredd with John Wagner)
From the Dead Eyes Art Book, exclusively shown here by Soundsphere. Copyright John McCrea and Gerry Duggan.
In case you missed it, the Mighty World of McCrea book is available to buy directly from John’s website here (paperback) and here (deluxe hardcover edition). Mighty World of McCrea includes creator-owned material, brand new, never before seen artwork, puzzles and even a review of a gig! Stories include such talent as Gerry Duggan, Garth Ennis, Phil Hester and obviously McCrea himself. One lucky Soundsphere reader will win a signed copy on our Facebook competition here. All you have to do is like Soundsphere’s page, like the post, tag a friend and tell us why you want to win! The lucky winner will be picked at random on the 14th of May. Don’t forget to click here to check it out!
The first chapter of Dead Eyes can be read for free here, giving you no excuse to not check out this bombastic, action filled, hilarious and violent series. The hardcover will be the ultimate collector’s item for any fan of John McCrea or Gerry Duggan, and with Dead Eyes volume 2 on the horizon, now is the perfect time to jump onto this zany bandwagon. Don’t miss out!
Words: Graeme Small