Dark Waters 2013 is a weekend festival in Nottingham. A festival over three nights showcasing some of the best live goth and dark alternative music plus DJs, club nights, alternative market and more!
The Britannia Boat Club is the venue at which Dark Waters is held and is situated on the banks of the river Trent.
If that hasn’t got your interest, one of our main reason for holding the festival at The Britannia Boat Club is because it contains a venue with a difference, a ‘cave’!
This year’s festival line up is as follows:
Friday, June 21, 2013
Golden Apes (Ger)
Red Sun Revival (UK)
Naked Lunch (UK)
Momento Mori (UK)
Bad Pollyanna (UK)
Saturday, June 22 2013
Skeletal Family (UK)
Rhombus (UK)
The Mekano Set (UK)
Berlin Black (UK) – pictured
Dreams Divide (UK)
Sunday, June 23 2013
Tenek (UK)
The Last Cry (UK)
Joe Black (UK)
Arcane Winter (UK)
Scandacross (UK)